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MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media Poisonous Pawtanical garden dogs cats poison toxic

Plants poisonous to pet cats and dogs

Spotting plants harmful to pets in the Poisonous Pawtanical Garden


THE MORE TH>N Poisonous Pawtanical Garden, created for 2015's Chelsea Fringe, was the world’s most toxic garden to pets, part of the insurer’s campaign to raise awareness of the issue of cats and dogs being poisoned by household plants.
According to research by MORE TH>N with 2,000 cat and dog owners, eight per cent of canines and felines in Britain have ingested poisonous plants or flowers.


Of those, 43 per cent needed urgent veterinary care, while 15 per cent died.
Far from being rare and exotic, the plants used can be found in any garden, park or horticultural centre.


Clearer labelling

MORE TH>N is campaigning for plant producers, manufacturers of garden products and retailers to provide clearer labelling signalling if their items are safe or harmful to cats and dogs.
There is a widespread ignorance of the perils gardens pose to animals, with one in every three pet owners (31 per cent) polled admitting they have no idea if the plants and flowers in their gardens are toxic.

The same number were unaware that plants could be poisonous to pets, while 71 per cent cannot identify any of the symptoms of poisoning in their cat or dog.
Nearly half (44 per cent) of pet owners are not only aware that their garden houses poisonous plants, but are prepared to risk their cat or dog won’t eat them so they can have a pretty garden.
For further information on toxic and non-toxic plants for pets, visit

Symptoms of poisoning in pets

CONTACT your vet immediately if you think your pet has eaten any toxic plants, flowers, or substances. Take along samples of the plant - or preferably any identification label, tag or pot information.
General symptoms of poisoning:
Oral or skin irritation     
Upset stomach/vomiting/diarrhoea
Rapid breathing
Heart failure
Excitability or lethargy
Tremors / Seizures / Fitting
Increased Thirst
Dilated Pupils
Dizziness / Loss of Balance


IN reality, gardeners wouldn't grow anything if we abided by the full list - my cats (and most others) have (and have had) a healthy disregard of toxic plants - the only thing George goes for is my Stipa gigantea (giant oat grass) and catmint.


However, to be on the safe side, there is a pretty exhaustive list on the International Cat Care website,

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media Poisonous Pawtanical garden dogs cats poison toxic

Avoiding anything dangerous - most at risk from toxic plants are kittens and inquisitive young cats.

Toxic beauties...

FULL list of plants and flowers in The Poisonous Pawtanical Garden. PLEASE NOTE THIS LIST IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE!

Asparagus fern
Buxus Pyramiden
Calla Lily
Cherry Laurel
Grape plant
Hedera Ivy
Lilium Asian Lilies
Ligustrum Privet
Lupinus Blue
Nerium Oleander
Papaver Poppy
Paeonia mix
Taxus Baccata Yew
Tomato plant


IT'S not just plants and flowers you need to consider when planning a safe garden for your cat or dog, the following can prove hazardous:

ACORNS AND CONKERS: Toxic if eaten.

ALGAE: Toxic freshwater algae (usually blue-green, but sometimes colourless) can poison animals.

BEE AND WASP STINGS: These can be especially problematic if they sting inside the mouth.

COCOA MULCH: Made of cocoa bean shell – a by-product of the chocolate industry – and can be harmful if eaten by dogs.

FERTILISER, INSECTICIDES AND PESTICIDES: Fertiliser can give your cat or dog a stomach upset and may result in life-threatening gastrointestinal obstruction. Read instructions carefully and make sure you allow an appropriate time from use before allowing your animal in the garden.

GARDEN TOOLS: Unattended garden tools can be hazardous to pets and cause trauma to paws, noses or other parts of a curious pet’s body.

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MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media Poisonous Pawtanical garden dogs cats poison toxic hosta

The MORE TH>N Poisonous Pawtanical Garden, which exhibited at the Chelsea Fringe 2015.

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