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Top 20 half-hardy annuals: the facts

Grow the border's tarty barmaids from seed & save on plug prices


THE big, blousy show-stoppers in the annual garden are, more often than not, half-hardy types.

Sometimes they're tender perennials, like dahlias - you can usually spot them, as they're the ones being sold as plug plants in catalogues and garden centres, costing a small fortune.

They all need a long season to flower well, which necessitates indoor sowing in a propagator sometimes as early as January (Antirrhinums), but more usually February/March.

What is critical here is light intensity. If you don't have a brightly-lit place indoors, wait until March.


See the light


Warmth and poor light will lead to leggy, weak seedlings which will easily fall victim to disease.

A propagator with a constant temperature is a good buy too. Bear in mind how much plug plants cost, and it will soon pay for itself.

What they all need is good seed compost - buy the best you can afford. Some people like to cover seeds with Vermiculite or Perlite instead of compost - use what you know best. (I find the latter two don't form a crust which is hard to wet, which is why I use them).


Make sure the soil is watered before you sow and doesn't dry out. Sealing trays/pots in cheap freezer bags works well.

There's a lot of old bedding favourites here - this is a quick guide to their germination temperatures; sowing depth; days to germination; and any special instructions.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media  garden half-hardy annuals from seed Dahlia Bishop's Children

Sowing dahlias

I'M not really a fan of the big show dahlias, but I do love the simpler, single types, such as Bishop of Llandaff, with its dark foliage and striking red flowers - ideal for a sunny, hot-themed border.


Bees and insects can't get to the nectar in double flowers - another reason to grow singles.

You can buy tubers, but if you like a riot of colour and growing from seed, try Bishop's Children (I bet the Church wasn't happy about that name).

They are half-hardy perennials, but are usually grown as annuals. You can lift the tubers in autumn for next year.


They need a long growing season, hence the early sowing, but will flower until the first frosts.

Sow 0.6cm deep in trays and cover with compost, Vermiculite or Perlite. They should germinate in 7-21 days - don't exclude light.

My packet cost £2.49 (40+ seeds) - the cheapest Bishop of Llandaff SINGLE tuber I could find was £3.25, ranging up to £9.99 for a potted plant.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden half-hardy annuals from seed Dahlia Bishop's Children

Two of Dahlia Bishop's Children that survived the wind.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden half-hardy annuals from seed Cosmos Cupcakes

Tiny seedlings - give them lots of light.

Antirrhinums from seed

COTTAGE garden favourites Antirrhinums, or snapdragons, are a half-hardy perennial but are best grown as an annual - which means an early start.

Sow seeds January-March, thinly, in trays of seed compost. Don't cover the seeds, or exclude light, as this helps germination. Keep moist and maintain a temperature of 18-22°C (64-72°F). Germination should take 10-29 days, but may be erratic.

The seedlings are tiny - don't be put off if they seem to be making little progress - I always think they're going to die young.

Seeds can be sown July-September in a cold frame for planting out the following spring.

When they are large enough to prick out, transplant them 5cm apart in seed trays ( or I use small modules) and grow on. Gradually acclimatise the plants to outside conditions before planting out 12-25cm apart (depending on the size of the variety) in a sunny position.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden half-hardy annuals from seed Antirrhinum Tootsie

Grow at a glance:


Sow: January-March or July-Sept.
Flowering: June-October.
Position: full sun.
Hardiness: Although half-hardy perennial, treat as a half-hardy annual.
Recommended varieties: Available in dwarf, intermediate, tall and trailing. Tall: Royal Bride; Purple Twist (up to 90cm/36in). Intermediate: Tootsie F1, Black Prince; Day and Night, 45cm/18in. Dwarf: Bronze Dragon 30cm/12in.

Livingstone daisy Sparkles.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden half-hardy annuals from seed Mesembryanthemum Sparkes Livingstone daisy

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