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MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden vegetables plants autumn planted onion sets

Autumn-planted onion sets: a must

Keep a productive winter garden


AUTUMN-PLANTED onions are easy to cultivate, give a good harvest and keep soil productive in winter - so why don't more gardeners grow them?

It's probably because many people shut up shop in October - that's a shame, because once planted, sets are a doddle to look after - leave them to it.

A set is an immature onion, easier to grow and less prone to disease, but more prone to bolting (setting seed if weather conditions are bad) - buy heat-treated varieties to prevent this.

If your soil is very heavy and prone to waterlogging, it's best to plant onions in spring, or grow in raised beds.



Choose an open, sunny site and well-drained, non-acidic soil (below pH6.5). If you have acid soil, apply lime in autumn and winter.

Enrich soil with organic matter, but avoid using fresh manure.

When planting, apply 35g per sq m (1oz per sq yd) of Growmore or specialist onion fertiliser. If you don't have any organic matter (compost, etc), double the amount.

Place each set with the growing tip peeking out - cover with netting if you have a problem with birds pulling them out of the ground. Firm in and water. Don't plant if the ground is waterlogged or frozen.



Apply a nitrogen-rich fertiliser such as sulphate of ammonia or dry poultry manure at the rate of 35g per sq m (1oz per sq yd) in late winter to boost growth and suppress bolting.


Plants must be growing strongly by late spring as the lengthening days trigger the formation of bulbs.

As the foliage casts little shade, onions can be overtaken by weeds. Don't use a hoe, as this can damage the bulbs - you'll have to hand weed, I'm afraid.

Water every 14 days during dry spells, but avoid overhead irrigation that encourages fungal diseases. Bulbs should be ready June-July.

Senshyu onions have a buttery taste, but don't store. Cook batches in butter/olive oil and freeze.

Grow at a glance: onions from seed

SOWING TIME: December-February under glass for large bulbs; March-April direct for smaller bulbs.
HARVESTING TIME: August/September.
PLANTING DISTANCE: 23cm-30cm (9"-1ft) apart.
ASPECT AND SOIL: Full sun, well-drained - a pH of 6.75-7.25 is ideal.
HARDINESS: Protect against frost, although perennial varieties are fully hardy.
DIFFICULTY: Growing exhibition-quality onions takes a great deal of skill. Beware of onion fly, stem and bulb eelworm, neck rot and white rot.

PLANTING TIME: September-November.
PLANTING DISTANCE: 5-10cm (2-4inches) apart.

ASPECT AND SOIL: Full sun, well drained soil, avoid acid soils.
RECOMMENDED VARIETIES: Red Cross, Senshyu, Shakespeare, Electric, T&M's First Early, Tornado, Radar, Troy.

Grow at a glance: onions from sets

If you have cold, wet soil or live in the far North, go for spring-planting sets. Start them off in modules to plant out in when the ground has warmed up, so they don't rot.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden vegetables plants autumn planted onion sets

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