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Tips to beat carrot root fly


MY garden has terrible carrot root fly, which ruins carrot crops. Adults are attracted to the smell of bruised foliage and lay their eggs in the soil -  the larvae munch through the roots, rendering them useless.


I've tried so-called resistant varieties, growing under fleece, growing very hardy varieties over winter in pots more than 2ft off the ground (the adults can only fly that high) with poor results.


However, here's some other ideas to beat them:


Plant spring onions and mint alongside carrots to deter the pests.


Reduce the risk of an attack by thinning plants in the evening on a still day. It's important to sow thinly, as removing the excess seedlings is what attracts the carrot root fly.


To thin, water the seedlings well so you don't break the roots. Leave seedlings at 2-4cm apart. After three-four weeks, repeat so they are 5-10cm apart.


Best of all, grow in a bed covered in Enviromesh.


MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden vegetables plants carrots

Grow colourful carrots & beetroot

Rainbow Mixed carrots. Picture; Suttons

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media

Beetroot cultivation

BEETROOT is easy to grow - direct sow in spring or in modules to be planted out. Leaves and roots can be eaten.


It will grow in any well-drained soil but requires fertile conditions - add compost or organic matter, plus a general purpose fertiliser before sowing.

Water every 10-14 days. If plants are not growing well, apply high nitrogen fertiliser, such as sulphate of ammonia.


Stress, caused by cold or drought, results in bolting - the plants flowering and setting seed. Sow resistant varieties, such as Boltardy.

Pull up alternate plants at golf ball size, leaving the others to reach the size of a cricket ball.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden vegetables plants beetroot

I'm a paragraph.

Grow at a glance: beetroot

SOWING TIME: March-July outdoors; February-March in modules under glass.
PLANTING DISTANCE: Thin seedlings to 10cm (4") apart.
ASPECT AND SOIL: Full sun, light, well-drained.
HARDINESS: Very hardy.

RECOMMENDED VARIETIES: Subeto (purple/red); Chioggia (red/white skin, pink/white rings inside); Boldor (yellow); Albina Vereduna (white); Boltardy (purple); Alto (purple, long roots); Burpee's Golden (yellow); Kahira (Egyptian heritage flat rooted).

Grow at a glance: carrots

SOWING TIME: March-July outdoors; February under cloches/greenhouse borders.
PLANTING DISTANCE: Sow 1cm deep, thinly, approx 30cm between rows. Thin in stages until you have 10cm between maincrop varieties, 5cm for baby carrots.
ASPECT AND SOIL: Full sun, light, well-drained soil, no rocks or lumps - causes roots to 'fang', or split.
DIFFICULTY: Easy - unless your garden suffers from carrot root fly.

RECOMMENDED VARIETIES: Flyaway/Resistafly (partial carrot root fly resistance), Early Nantes 5 (early), Mokum, Atomic Red, Autumn King 2, Bangor, Purple Haze, Purple Sun, Yellowstone, Rainbow, Healthmaster, Parmex, Tendersnax.

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