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MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden plant greenhouse growing under glass cleaning disinfecting

Cleaning the greenhouse: inside & out

It's a horrible job, but it must be done properly


IF you have a greenhouse, or any structure that you're going to be overwintering plants in, your number one priority is making sure it's clean.

Not only must it be frost-free, but pest-free.

Cleaning the greenhouse and conservatory is my least favourite job, but a necessary evil.

My plants suffered last year from aphids overwintering in cracks and crevices, as I couldn't get to out-of-the-way places in my packed conservatory.

9 steps to cleanliness

HERE'S what you need to down to reduce the risk of pests:


1. On a mild day, take everything possible outside.

2. Scrub off any old shade paint from the summer.

3. Brush or vacuum surfaces to remove all debris.

4. Hose down the exterior and interior on a soaker setting, to loosen any pests/eggs and lichen.

5. Wash down glass with warm soapy water and a sponge. A breezy day will mean it dries out more quickly.

6. Spray all surfaces with Citrox, a powerful organic citrus extract disinfectant for cleaning greenhouses, pots, staging, tools, seed trays, bird feeders and bird baths. It doesn't harm plants and it's effective against bacterial and fungal diseases.

7. Glass is best done with an anti-bacterial washing-up liquid - it doesn't streak.

8. Check that all ventilation panels/windows are working.

9. Finally, check over plants that you're overwintering carefully BEFORE bringing them in - you don't want them to be harbouring pests. Better to cut things like geraniums back outside first - and check pot rims and bases for hidden slugs, snails and vine weevils.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden plant greenhouse growing under glass cleaning disinfecting Spanish flag

Spanish flag fighting to get out of the steamy greenhouse.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden plant greenhouse growing under glass cleaning disinfecting fig
MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden plant greenhouse growing under glass cleaning disinfecting conservatory

Top, sparkling clean inside and out (apart from the bit where the tomatoes are, I know); the fig and grape vine recline in the rattan chair outside; right, Spanish flag with Yuccas and morning glory Grandpa Otts in the clean conservatory. Note yellow sticky traps for pests.

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