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MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants Clematis montana Elizabeth

Top 10 hardy climbing garden plants

CLIMBERS are invaluable in any garden. A big mistake is to have everything at ground level, ignoring the vertical growing space.


However, you can create a real sense of depth by growing upwards on obelisks or wigwams and make it appear that your plot's bigger than it is by blurring the boundaries.


My favourite hardy climbers


1. Clematis montana (and C. montana Elizabeth): from the palest pink of the original, to the stronger colour and purple-flushed, mid-green leaves of Elizabeth, this fast-growing Clematis is a star of late spring. Ideal for covering an eyesore, although be prepared for its bare, bird's nest branches in winter. Prune immediately after flowering.

2. Clematis viticella Mme Julia Correvon:  12cm flowers of rich claret-red from mid to late summer. Ideal for a large container. Cut back stems to a pair of strong buds 15-20cm (6-8in) above ground level before growth begins in early spring.

3. Clematis Dr Ruppel: large mauve and red blooms, flowering June, sometimes again in September, growing to about 8 feet. The spherical seed heads add interest into autumn. Excellent for containers. Prune in late winter or early spring and after the first flush of flowers in summer.

4. Ivy Goldheart: I'm a fan of ivy, even the plain green sort - a marvellous wildlife habitat. If you want a fancier type, try Goldheart, with heart-shaped, dark green leaves with pale gold centres/ pink stems. Suitable for shade.

5. Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Halliana): scented white, tubular flowers, ageing to yellow, from April to August. Many of the glossy, dark green leaves are retained all year, tolerates partial shade. Cut back established plants after flowering, removing a third of the flowered shoots.

6. Golden hop (Humulus lupulus aureus): vigorous climber with deep-lobed, yellow-green leaves, greenish-yellow, cone-like flowers in early autumn. It will grow 6mx6m in a season. Beware - hairs on the leaves can cause an allergic reaction. Don't plant in a windy spot - the leaves look tatty.

7. Jasmine Clotted Cream (Jasminum officinale): larger flowers than the common jasmine and more fragrant. This deciduous climber needs a sheltered, sunny, well-drained site, and can cope with dry conditions. My three have coped with North East winters no problem.

8. Climbing rose James Galway: warm pink in the centre, paling gradually towards the edges and packed with petals with a medium Old Rose fragrance. The strong stems are almost thornless. Flowers freely and repeats well, growing up to 8ft.

9. Climbing rose 'Harlequin': True Harlequin roses have yellow buds, fading to orangey-red, giving a multi-tonal effect. Mine were ordered in a bargain bundle - two turned out to be cream and two orange! Not what I had in mind, but the orange one has
rich red/green foliage, stands a lot of neglect and looks great in a pot.

10. Everlasting (perennial) sweet pea (Lathyrus latifolius): great if you want sweet pea flowers without the hassle and a quick grower. The down side - no scent and impossible to move. I grow it along the soil to hide the 'bare legs' of sunflowers. It will climb 6ft to give a summer boost to spring-flowering shrubs or hedges.

MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants Clematis viticella Mme julia Correvon
MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants Clematis Dr Ruppell
MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants ivy Goldheart
MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants evergreen Japanese honeysuckle
MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants golden hop
MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants Jasmine Clotted Cream
MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants rose James Galway
MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants rose orange Harlequin
MandyCanUDigIt| Gardening| DigIt Media garden hardy climbing plants perennial sweet pea

From top, Clematis montana Elizabeth; Clematis viticella Mme Julia Correvon; Clematis Dr Ruppel; Ivy Goldheart; Japanese honeysuckle.

From top, golden hop; jasmine Clotted Cream; rose James Galway; rose 'Harlequin'; perennial sweet pea.

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